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FOTÓGRAFOS, Pavel Simeonov

Pavel Simeonov
Pavel Simeonov

Pavel Simeonov is among the leading Bulgarian naturalists and ornithologists and one of the owners of Branta-Tours, Bed & Birding and Branta Birding Lodge. He is  a co-leader of the Bulgaria-U.S. Red-breasted Goose Project (www.redbreastedgoose.org)  the founder and actual president of the Le Balkan-Bulgaria Foundation. Pavel is also an enthusiastic photographer, experienced tour leader and knowledgeable tour guide. He speaks Bulgarian (native tongue), fluent French and English. His good command of the Russian language is of great advantage in operating birding trips in many former Soviet bloc countries. Being actively involved with conservation programmes at national and international level Pavel is able to provide a wealth of background information on wildlife matters, and indeed on cultural topics.  Contact: info@branta-tours.com  


 Nikon D-7000, AS-F Nikkor 200-400 F:4, Teleconverter 1.4x

+359 887308753, Durankulak, Bulgaria, info@branta-tours.com

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