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Dean Eades

Yorkshire born Dean Eades now lives in Lincolnshire which is where he spends the majority of his time looking for the next great shot. He makes regular trips to the Norfolk and East Yorkshire coasts and loves Scotland, when he manages to get there! His life evolves around his love of birds, wildlife and photography. Dean is one of the administrators for the Lincolnshire Bird Club forum and provides the Lincolnshire Wildlife Trust with many of his images, he has also been a warden to help out the Trust when needed. His work has appeared on the BBC '& ITV RSPB' and has been published in Birdwatch and Bird Watching magazines, & BBC Wildlife Magazine.Books,websites & displays on several occasions.

All wild animals , No zoo.or Captive animals . Lets keep animals as they should be WILD

Sponsored by Canon, London Camera Exchange & Bogen Imaging, Stealth wildlife watching Supplies.

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Full resolution images are available for purchase.
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Contact details:
07778632764, dean@birdmad.com

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