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Important Bird Areas - Straldzha Complex

Straldzha Complex State: Burgas, Yambol
Area: 2871,82 ха
Ownership: state - 13%; municipality - 17%; private - 70%;

Straldzha Marsh complex includes “Tserkovski” water reservoir with an area of about 180 ha and the nearby wet meadows and marshy areas, remnants of the eastern part of the former Straldzha Marsh (the biggest marsh in the country’s interior in the past). It is located 1-2 km south of the Burgas - Sofia main road, in its section south of the village of Venets. The reservoir itself is an open water basin, the eastern part of which is partially overgrown with hygrophyte vegetation, dominated by reed Typha spp.. It is surrounded by a low hill to the north (234.6 m altitude) and plain arable lands to the south (with about 140 m altitude). Lower terrain, occupied by wet meadows, marshy areas with a system of drainage canals and small temporary water pools in rainy spring, stretch to the west of the reservoir. The wet meadows are overgrown with mesophyte grass vegetation, dominated by Carex spp., Poa pratensis, Poa sylvicola, Lolium perenne, etc. (Bondev 1991). Strips of poplar Populus spp., Acacia Robinia pseudoacacia and some other culture species form the only sections of tree vegetation in the region.

Straldzha marsh was the biggest inland wetland in Bulgaria until the mid-1920s, when gradual drainage of the area started to take place. At that time species such as Dalmatian and White Pelicans Pelecanus crispus and P. onocrotatus, as well as Crane Grus grus bred there in considerable numbers. By the 1940s the wetland was completely drained, but in wet years considerable parts of it become flooded and overgrown with reeds. Nowadays Straldzha Marsh Complex supports 143 bird species, 50 of which are listed in the Red Data Book for Bulgaria (1985). Of the birds occurring there 70 species are of European conservation concern (SPEC) (BirdLife International, 2004), 6 of them being listed in category SPEC 1 as globally threatened, 20 in SPEC 2 and 44 in SPEC 3 as species threatened in Europe. The area provides suitable habitats for 55 species included in Annex 2 of the Biodiversity Act, which need special conservation measures, of which 50 are listed also in Annex I of the Birds Directive. The reservoir is a site with international importance for migrating and wintering waterfowl. Regularly more than 20,000 waterfowl of 30 species concentrate there. It is a site of international importance for wintering White-fronted Goose Anser albifrons, the globally threatened Red-breasted Goose Branta ruficollis, and the Mallard Anas platyrhynchos. The wet meadows host significant breeding populations of the globally threatened Corncrake Crex crex, the crakes Porzana parva and P. porzana and Montagu`s Harrier Circus pygargus, while during migration the reservoir is a concentration point for various waterfowl, including White Pelican, Glossy Ibis Plegadis falcinellus, Spoonbill Platalea leucorodia, etc.

The area is sensitive to human activities related to water management, as well as unsustainable use of the area of the former marsh for agriculture. Permanent drainage of the area decreases the capacity of the wetland habitats to provide enough roosting and feeding sites for migratory birds. The part of the area is cultivated with cereals and the input of fertilizers and pesticides is very intensive in order to get enough crops and to remove the reeds. Turning of the remaining meadows and pastures into arable land causes further loss of valuable habitats. The factory situated next to the reservoir causes pollution of the water. Temporary drainage of the reservoir, including during the winter, does not allow it to be used by waterbirds as a roosting site. The hunting and fishing cause disturbance to birds. Free and uncontrolled access to the area during the breeding season causes disturbance to breeding birds.

Legal protection:
The area does not have legal protection under the national conservation legislation. In 1998 about 95% of the area was appointed as CORINE Site because of its European value for threatened plants and animals, including wintering waterbirds. In 1997 the area was appointed as Important Bird Area by BirdLife International.

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